Will Lowman, cannery owner with big King salmon, 1907.
Will Lowman, cannery owner with big King salmon, 1907.
Ray Lowman and 72 lb. King, at his Dad’s cannery, 1917
Ray Lowman and 72 lb. King, at his Dad’s cannery, 1917
Captain Bill Kasch, early ferry family
Captain Bill Kasch, early ferry family
Joe Kasch, early ferry family
Joe Kasch, early ferry family
Fred White and his first safety bike, 1893. (1st mural, 1984.)
Fred White and his first safety bike, 1893. (1st mural, 1984.)
Sid Wills, Ship Harbor caretaker and crusty old coot, 1940-81.
Sid Wills, Ship Harbor caretaker and crusty old coot, 1940-81.
Edna Whitney’s tandem bike
Edna Whitney’s tandem bike.
Bill Bessner and Model T Bug, artist's grandfather, 1921.
Bill Bessner and Model T Bug, artist's grandfather, 1921.
Phillip McCracken and owl.
Phillip McCracken and owl.
George Marinakos, Maryland Café owner here 1910-42
George Marinakos, Maryland Café owner here 1910-42.
"Hamie" Young, furniture guy
"Hamie" Young, furniture guy.
Leroy Hirni, Kiwanis builder.
Leroy Hirni, Kiwanis builder.
Smuggler Kelly and his legend
Smuggler Kelly and his legend.
Andrew Horsey
Andrew Horsey
Flora Reilly and baby son, 1901.
Flora Reilly and baby son, 1901.
E.J. and Ann Kidder, Anacortes.
E.J. and Anne Kidder, Anacortes.
Fred Cartwright, Peoples Bank Manager, 1955.
Fred Cartwright, Peoples Bank Manager, 1955.
Rudolf and Eliza Schwarz, my Swiss ancestors, on 5th St., 1899.
Rudolf and Eliza Schwarz, my Swiss ancestors, on 5th St., 1899.
State Senator W.V. Wells and his 1915 Mitchell sedan.
State Senator W.V. Wells and his 1915 Mitchell sedan.
Bobo the Gorilla here, 1951.
Bobo the Gorilla here, 1951.