Will Lowman, cannery owner with big King salmon, 1907.
Will Lowman, cannery owner with big King salmon, 1907.
Junk Co. truck and Rumsey rig at the truck scales, 1921.
Junk Co. truck and Rumsey rig at the truck scales, 1921.
Anacortes Junk Co. Mack Truck/Mike Demopoulos ’18
Anacortes Junk Co. Mack Truck/Mike Demopoulos ’18.
Sid Wills, Ship Harbor caretaker and crusty old coot, 1940-81.
Sid Wills, Ship Harbor caretaker and crusty old coot, 1940-81.
Halibut caught here in 1890
Halibut caught here in 1890.
Edna Whitney’s tandem bike
Edna Whitney’s tandem bike.
Schultz's Texaco, 1927.
Schultz's Texaco, 1927.
John and Doris Tursi hiking.
John and Doris Tursi hiking.
Mrs. Malone and her Sears Special Road Cart, 1902.
Mrs. Malone and her Sears Special Road Cart, 1902.
Schwarz kids on jackass.
Schwarz kids on jackass.
Smuggler Kelly and his legend
Smuggler Kelly and his legend.
Andrew Horsey
Andrew Horsey
Seid Chee
Seid Chee
On Kum and baby Seid Oy
On Kum and baby Seid Oy
Seid Wayut
[Removed for Restoration] Seid Wayut
Rainier Bar bartender, 1908.
Rainier Bar bartender, 1908.
State Senator W.V. Wells and his 1915 Mitchell sedan.
State Senator W.V. Wells and his 1915 Mitchell sedan.
Dean Maxwell, 20 year mayor.
Dean Maxwell, 20 year mayor.
Jim Rice, Mayor, carpenter '86.
Jim Rice, Mayor, carpenter '86.
Doug Allmond, Anacortes American Editor, 1890.
Doug Allmond, Anacortes American Editor, 1890.